
crab nebula
Crab Nebula

Capturing Fleeting Memories with your Children

Reading and Story Generation with your child using Artificial Intelligence

Focusing on Children using AI Storytelling

Fearless Princess Hazel and Misty Mae
Cheshire Cat

Our wish is to use technology for good. How so? We believe strongly in developing children through reading. This requires 3 elements; books (preferably creative), dedicated time, and focused interaction. Perhaps all 3 are lacking today. 

Our goal is to boost child interaction through the generation of stories created by Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the pre-reader and the early reader. The interaction: the child picks a storyline and characters, AI generates a story, the child, perhaps assisted by an adult, adds to the story and may select additional characters. This may progress through several iterations. Here are two examples: Fearless Princess Hazel, and Story Generation. You need to Register to access Story Generation.

What are we doing? We wish to work with you on creatively generating stories using Deep Learning, specifically Natural Language Processing (NLP). AH, now you know the full story behind the website name, Hazel’s middle name is Nebula, and NLP is for Natural Language Processing. If you are interested in the revolutionary effect Artificial Intelligence is making in the world today we will discuss several applications and the simple HOW in the coming blogs. 

Here is a link to State of Art AI and a quiz to determine if you can distinguish AI generated from real. The Quiz

If you are interested in participating in this journey Contact Us