Category: Participation

  • Creating Images (Outpainting)

    OpenAI has created DALL.E an AI system which generates images and artwork from a natural language description or extends original images to a larger canvas. Here is an example of Outpainting Johannes Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring. Notice that the image was created with the same shadows, reflections, and textures. The capability is available…

  • State of Art AI

    Human vs AI Test: Can We Tell the Difference Anymore? A survey from March 2022 on the power of AI generated art to appear real. Take the test! Hit the back button to return to this site. The study encompasses AI generated; photos, artwork, music, text, and translations. Included are brief definitions of Artificial Intelligence, Machine…

  • Experiment with Story Telling

    Now its time for you to experiment with the OpenAI model GPT-2. This is available at: Unfortunately, until recently, there is not a constraint on model size or training time when evaluating “best models”. This has led to an arms race in size represented by the graph. The following graph lists “best model” by…

  • Artificial Shakespeare

    In The Beaty of Language Post we discussed the difficulties of AI Generated Storytelling. A story has a developing plot, modulating moods and relationships, and creates tension and resolution. All these pieces somehow ‘fit together’. The complexities are beyond the capabilities of current AI. If story telling is too difficult, what about generating a few…

  • Voyage of Discovery

    We extend an offer to join our Voyage of Discovery. Like Columbus we are unsure of our destination and what, if anything, will be achieved. Our objective is to use technology for good. How so? We wish to use books to develop pre and early readers through story generation. Story Generation through Artificial Intelligence (AI).…